

HUITEX® Geomembrane for Mining Application

The cyanide is the lixiviant used in heap leaching of precious metals, there is concern over the potential for release of toxic cyanides into the environment. HUITEX® Geomembrane with excellent puncture and chemical resistance is the best select for the containment lining systems to meet the severe requirement of the mining industry.



Heap leach operations involve the use of Geomembranes and specially constructed leach pads and solution ponds. Low-grade ore (typically from a surface mine) is stacked 15 to 50+ feet high in engineered heaps on sloped (1 to 6%) relatively impermeable pads, and a weak alkaline cyanide solution is sprayed over the ore. The solution percolates through the heap and dissolves finely disseminated free metal particles (gold and/or silver).

Lining Geomembranes under leach pads to minimize the potential for cyanide release is essential to the environmental protection. Cyanide is the lixiviant used in heap leaching of precious metals, hence there is concern over the potential for leak of toxic cyanides into the environment. HUITEX® Geomembranes with excellent puncture and chemical resistance is the best select for the containment lining systems to meet the severe requirement of the mining industry.

 Tailings Dam



Tailings are remains from the processing of the ores. Because the extracted metal in proportion to the total ore mass is a small part, the predominant part must be deposited as tailings.

A tailings dam is typically an earth-fill embankment dam used to store tailings – which are produced during mining operations after separating the valuable fraction from the uneconomic fraction of an ore. A tailings dam is raised in succession throughout the life of the particular mine. Typically, a base or starter dam is constructed and as it fills with a mixture of tailings and water, it is raised.

The tailings dams often store toxic chemicals from the mining process, they have an impervious liner to prevent seepage. Water/Slurry levels in the tailings pond must be managed for stability and environmental purposes as well.

HUITEX® Geomembrane has been applied at mining operations for many years in Africa and Australia. With millions of square meters installed, HUITEX® Geomembrane has been approved with the highest quality to meet the severe requirement of the mining industry.